Are you aware of these important Salesforce test automation KPIs?

Author : Venu Svarna

Date : Jun 05, 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital world, Salesforce has become a critical tool for businesses to manage customer relationships and drive growth. Globally, an increasing number of companies continue to adopt Salesforce as their primary customer relationship management (CRM) platform. In the process, they end up investing more in Salesforce and become more dependent on it for their critical businesses processes.

Salesforce test automation is important for ensuring the integrity of the platform and giving confidence to the users. In this article, we will be talking about certain KPIs that are highly useful when it comes to measuring the success of your automated testing efforts. Before we talk about the KPIs, let us quickly try to understand which are some of the most pertinent challenges when it comes to Salesforce test automation.

Common Salesforce Test Automation Challenges:

  • Automation development complexities: The conventional Salesforce automation is complex and requires trained resources. The learning curve is often steep and lengthy. This makes Salesforce automation person dependent and complex to build and operate.

  • Painful maintenance: Salesforce test automation is often maintenance heavy. Because of multiple interdependencies, maintenance is costly as well as time consuming. It also slows down the speed of automation and adopts the new changes quickly. As a result, the speed of adopting changes, delayed releases, increasing cost of testing.

  • Execution reliability: With conventional testing approach, achieving execution reliability in Salesforce is very difficult. Dynamic UI elements, shadow DOMs and many other Salesforce specific challenges make achieving execution reliability difficult.

  • Non-actionable reporting: Reporting should be granular so that it facilitates early detection of defects. The commonly available tools provide non-actionable reporting which is suitable only for developers and not for business users.

  • Poor utilization of automation: Automation should be leveraged by functional experts as well. This is not a possibility with conventional test automation tools.

Important Salesforce Test Automation KPIs

The list of Salesforce test automation KPIs is unending. The internet is flooded with long lists of Salesforce test automation KPIs but these lists are hardly helpful. First of all, they talk about very generic KPIs which are so loosely defined that tracking them does not make any business sense. Many of these KPIs look good in Excels and checklists but do not impart any visibility into the quality and reliability of automation. In this article, we will be talking about KPIs that can be easily measured and acted upon by the users. Above all, these KPIs can make a real difference to the way you are doing test automation. We will also share a rough recommended value or range also for each of them so that you can easily track where you stand in your Salesforce test automation journey.

  • Regression testing time: While automating for Salesforce, having a changing application under test is common. These changes and new fixes and upgrades make regression testing an integral part of the process. Regression time is affected by many underlying issues and hence, is a very good KPI to monitor. For many organizations, regression testing time could be in days or even weeks. With the right tools, it should come down to hours.

  • Reduced maintenance efforts: Updating scripts after every release is time consuming. Time spent in maintenance efforts is a critical parameter that should be closely monitored. Our experience shows that moving to a truly scriptless test automation tool can reduce the Salesforce maintenance efforts by more than 80%. To achieve this kind of a drastic decrease in maintenance time, the company will have to achieve at least 75% reusability.

  • Speed of automation: Automation must be fast but how can you ensure that it is progressing fast enough? You took X number of days to test first 50 use cases. Ideally, the time required for the next 50 tests should be substantially lower. Overall, the automation progress graph should be exponential and not linear in nature. To attain this kind of speed, reusability is a must.

  • Script reliability: Scripts must be 100% reliable. The lead indicator to monitor this KPI is % script failure. Ideally, script failure should not be more than 2-3% across all browsers and environments.

Why are Salesforce Test Automation KPIs Important?

Salesforce test automation KPIs are important for several reasons:

  • Increased visibility: By tracking KPIs, organizations can see how well their automated tests are performing, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve the testing process.

  • Improved test coverage: KPIs help organizations understand the coverage of their automated tests, ensuring that all relevant functionalities and features are being tested.

  • Increased efficiency: By continuously improving the testing process, organizations can increase the efficiency of their testing efforts, reducing manual testing effort and freeing up resources to focus on other areas of the business.

  • Improved quality: By measuring and monitoring the success of automated tests, organizations can improve the quality of their applications, reducing the risk of defects and improving the user experience.


These are some of the most important KPIs for Salesforce test automation. By tracking these KPIs, you can measure the success of your test automation efforts, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the stability, security, and functionality of your Salesforce applications.


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